This course has been built for musculoskeletal practitioners wanting to learn more about using outcome measures.

The world of PROMs can be confusing - what PROM for which patient and what does it mean?

In addition to knowledge, there are practical issues impacting the collection of PROMs in busy clinical workflows.

This introduction to the use of PROMs will help overcome barriers and give guidance to embedding outcome measures in healthcare.

This course will take you approximately one hour.

About us

James Lawrence BMedSci BMBS FACSEP

Louise Tulloh MBBS FACSEP

Sport and Exercise Physicians (Australia)

We have an interest in how digital technologies can improve healthcare quality and equity.

In addition to monitoring biometrics, patient self-reported information is also needed to round out our understanding of patients and their health. The analysis of outcomes benefits patients, providers, researchers and payers of healthcare, but the successful job of collecting them lies with the patient and practitioner.

Working in the musculoskeletal space, our aim is to make it routine to collect patient reported outcome measures so that these data can be fed back into a learning system. To arrive at this vision, we need to increase awareness and knowledge of how to use these measures in busy day-to-day working environments.

This introductory course will give you an overview into the use of PROMs in clinic.

This course is closed for enrollment.